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Name: HARROULD, Joseph William (Sergeant)
Birth Date: 1875 Fulham
Death Date: 1914 Gilgandra, New South Wales, Australia
Nationality: British
First Date: 1901
Profession: Formerly London Metropolitan Police Officer; Uganda Police; arr. Mombasa from Europe 5/1/1901; dep. for Uganda 11/1/1901
Married: 1.Grace Eton b. ?1873 Holborn, London; 2. Elisabeth Schmitt b. 12 Sep 1885 Stiering-Wendel, Lothringen, France, d. 3 Oct 1971 Frankfurt am Main
Children: 1. Ambrose Frederick; Doris Maud 2. Anna Gertrude (27 Oct 1907 Mainz-28 Sep 1969 Frankfurt am Main)
Book Reference: North
General Information:
North - Nakuru May 1901; resident at Naivasha, transferred from UP Police to EAP Police 1-4-1902; forced to resign - 'insubordination and drunkenness' (FO 2) 28-8-1902
Ancestry - Register of Coroners' Inquests, NSW - d. from bullet wound in the right side, apparently accidentally received.