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Name: HILL, Joseph Walter Harrison
Birth Date: 26.7.1864 Silverdale, Staffs.
Death Date: 20.7.1890 Zanzibar, fever and dysentery
Nationality: British
First Date: 1890
Last Date: 1890
Profession: CMS Uganda - ordained Deacon on arrival at Freretown 22/6/1890
Married: no
Book Reference: North, CMS, Tucker
School: Corpus Christi College and Ridley Hall Cambridge
General Information:
CMS 1890 - Age 25. Of Barrow. b. at Silverdale Staffs. CC Coll. and Ridley Hall, Camb. BA 1888. 1889, July 30, accepted for training by CMS. 1890, May 10 to E. Eq. Africa Mission; June 22 at Frere Town, Deacon by Bishop Tucker; July 20, died at Zanzibar.
Tucker - CMS Missionary recruit who came out with Bishop Tucker but died at the coast before starting the journey to the Lake