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Name: RUSSELL, Charles
Nationality: British
First Date: 1898
Profession: Uganda Railway - Foreman Riveter from Poplar, E. London; Temporary Railway appt. 5/8/1898; signed 2 year contract at Mombasa 7/8/1900
Book Reference: North, Winterton's Auctioneers, Globe
General Information:
Winterton sale - Memoirs of Charles Russell - 'The Work' - For Private Circulation only 1912, 55 copies [Cockney, Foreman Riveter with railway 5/8/98 to 28/10/01; v. good workman]
The Globe Trotter - 6th March 1907 - An Engine Driver's story - "……. After dinner perhaps "a bottle of beer and turned in" as Charles Russell says ……"