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Name: HUTTON, William West
Birth Date: 22 Dec 1923 Finchley
Death Date: 21 June 2004 Fowey, Cornwall
Profession: Clerk in Audit Kenya 1941; Tax Officer EACSO 1950; Estimates Officer, Uganda 1953; Asst. Sec. 1955; Sec. Economy Comsn. Jan-July 1960; Asst. Financial Sec. 1961-62
Married: Audrey G. Wilson b. 1929 Watford
Children: two sons; dau. Lindsay; Judi
Book Reference: Colonial
War Service: RAF, Military service 1942-46, F/O
School: Prince of Wales School, Nairobi
General Information:
Gazette 3 Apr 1951 he wants probate for George Hutton of Nairobi who d. 23 Jan 1951 Nairobi [his father was George, but he died supposedly in 1965]