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Name: TEMPLER, David Eric

Photo Source: Andrew Templer
Nee: son of Harold Edward Templer
Birth Date: 30 Jan 1928 West Byfleet
Death Date: 4 May 1982 Derby
Profession: Mechanical engineer, EAR&H
Married: In Derby 4 July 1951 Ivy 'Joy' Kinnerley b. 24.5.1925 Derby, d. 17 Oct 2012 Etwall, Derbyshire
Children: Andrew Stephen (4.5.1955 Nairobi)
Book Reference: Pembroke; info from son
General Information:
Pembroke No. 149, 1936, Subukia
He trained as a mechanical engineer on the railways. He went to Derby to do his apprenticeship with British Rail. There he met and married his wife. He returned to East Africa to work for EAR&H in mainly Kenya and Tanganyika until independence, and then returned to UK.