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Name: FENTON, Raymond Walter
Birth Date: 1862
First Date: 1912
Profession: Farm manager, coffee planter
Area: Manager, Kianjibbi Estate, Kiambu
Book Reference: Hut, Kiambu Scrapbook, Bobs Harries
General Information:
Could this be Raymond Rooke Fenton?
Kiambu Scrapbook - 'In 1912 Major Symes-Thompson of Kianjibbi Estate was roused at dawn by his Kikuyu Headman, with the news that a pride of lion had killed two of his trek oxen in the night, and were harboured up in the thick bush nearby. He sent word to his neighbour, Bill Bellasis of Doondu Estate, and set off together with his partner Walter Fenton, to hunt the lion. With the aid of Kavirondo and Meru labourers and the Kikuyu Headman and staff, the lions were surrounded and driven out of the thick cover to fall to the guns of the planters. Until his death in 1962, Major Symes-Thompson recounted with pride the tale of the great day when "they bagged six lion before breakfast" on the spot that has since been known as Lion Hill.
Bobs Harries - History of Thika - Major McMillan - In 1917 he was driven around Nairobi by a man called Fenton, in an old type box body car. Mr Fenton, who was a very old man, came from Kiambu. Major McMillan was an enormous man and could not get into the car, so he used to squeeze in as far as possible and then was driven around Nairobi with one of his legs and part of his body still outside.
Kiambu Scrapbook - By 1912, the land beyond 'Waitangi' was also being cleared and planted for coffee by Major Symes Thompson and Mr Walter Fenton (Kianjibbi) and by Captain Dorman and Mr Bill Bellasis (Doondu)