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Name: APPLEBY, Leonora Louise 'Lee', Miss

Birth Date: 1905 Essendon, Victoria, Australia
Death Date: 2 Dec 1996 Sydney
First Date: 1931
Profession: CMS missionary at Butere, translator
Area: Kisumu
Book Reference: Hut, Foster, Rabai
General Information:
Foster - Deaconess - A full CMS Missionary from Australia. Ki Luhya translator from CMS Australia due retirement 1960, wrote first Ki-Luhya Grammar, based at Butere. Retired in 1960.
Rabai - Deaconess Appleby gives a graphic account of the problems of girls' schools. When she arrived at Butere in 1931 the girls' school was an "extra" supervised by the missionary nurse Miss Maud Pethybridge (Bahoya) who already had her hands full with the dispensary.
Back in Australia by 1977 (electoral roll)
Agnes Shaw: Bee [sic] is a great character. She left her home in Australia to come to this country years ago and has spent her life as a missionary amongst the Abaluhya tribe, her great work being the translation of the Bible into Baluhya language. Bee is a very remarkable woman, always cheerful and good tempered, although she has few of the creature comforts which most people regard today as essentials. But she lives her simple life in a small wattle and daub house, although she has now achieved her own car, a great joy, after many years during which her only form of transport was a pedal cycle. On this she wrote many miles through the African reserves. A hard and often lonely life in a strange land, as a background for what must have been always difficult and discouraging work.