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Name: TUCKER, Alfred Robert DD (Rt. Rev.)

Birth Date: 1 Apr 1849 Woolwich
Death Date: 15 June 1914 Westminster, heart failure
Nationality: British
First Date: 1890
Last Date: 1911
Profession: The third Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, he arrived in Uganda in Dec. 1890 and remained Bishop there until 1912
Area: Uganda
Married: In Ulverston, Lancs. 20 Oct 1882 Hannah Josephine Sim b. 12 July 1855 Claughton, Cheshire, d. 12 Feb 1936 Stroud, Glos. She never travelled to EA
Children: Alfred Edward Hathaway (23 Mar 1888 Durham-11 Aug 1971 Lewes)
Author: 'Eighteen Years in Uganda and East Africa' 1908
Book Reference: Gillett, Cuckoo, Hobley, Permanent Way, Watt, Purvis, Fitzgerald, Tucker, Roosevelt, EAHB 1905, North, Drumkey, Land, BEA, EAHB 1906, CMS, Stock, EA Diary 1903, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
School: Christ Church Oxford
General Information:
Hobley - From time to time the missionaries produced unpleasant crises by injudiciously harbouring runaway slaves, and these incidents caused the authorities considerable embarrassment. Bishop Tucker was a very militant Churchman, and with a more fanatically minded people would doubtless have earned early martyrdom. Domestic slavery on the coast could only be abolished gradually, and with the expenditure of many thousands. He, however, recked not of this practical aspect, but appeared to lose no opportunity of exacerbating public feelings, possibly in the hope of forcing the home government to take drastic measures.
Permanent Way - 'On Dec. 27th a party of missionaries of the Church Missionary Society arrived [in Uganda] under Bishop Tucker. Eight had started from the coast and travelled by the German route. Three had died on the journey and the remainder were too ill to walk when they reached Mengo.
Watt - 1896? - 'A short time afterwards we had the joy of welcoming to our district Bishop Tucker, with his caravan of 500 men. He was escorting the first party of lady Missionaries to the Uganda Mission. ..... with his worthy lieutenant Dr. Baxter.
Fitzgerald - Sept. 1892 - Bishop Tucker starting for Uganda with 7 English missionaries
North - Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa 1890-97; Bishop of Uganda 1897-1911; aged 29 dep. for EA 25/4/1890; dep. Sadaani for Uganda 21/7/1890, arr. Kampala 27 or 28/12/1890; arr. Zanzibar from Uganda 3/4/1891; dep. Mombasa 25/1/1892 for tour of missions in BEA, returned to Freretown 1/4/1892; dep. for Uganda 26/9/1892; arr. Mengo 23/12/1892; arr. Mombasa from Uganda 6/8/1893; London; arr. Mombasa 29/7/1894; visiting missions in GEA and BEA; dep. Rabai for Uganda 21/7/1895, arr. Mengo 4/10/1895; ill, arr. Freretown 16/9/1896; dep. Mombasa for London 10/10/1896 invalided home; arr. Mombasa 25/11/1897; arr. Mengo 18/6/1898; Uganda; London 1901; dep EA 1911
Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Lord Bishop of Uganda
Land - 1910 - The Right Rev. A. Robert Tucker, Bishop of Uganda - Buildings, 1.44 acres - Kisumu Township - 5/2/08 - Freehold - registered 2/7/10
Land - 1910 - Rt. Rev. Alfred R. Tucker - Buildings, 3.14 acres - Kisumu Township - 15/6/10 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/8/10 - Registered 29/9/10
CMS 1890 - Age 29. b. at Woolwich. Ch. Ch. Oxf. BA 1882; MA 1886; an artist and athlete of repute; Hon. DD 1891; Hon. DD Univ. of Durham 1891. 1882 Deacon and 1883 Priest by Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. 1882-5 Curate of St. Andrew-the-Less, Clifton; 1885-90 Curate of St. Nicholas, Durham. 1890, Apr 25, consecrated with Bishop Hodges in Lambeth Church 3rd Bp. of Ch. of England for E. Eq. Africa. Jurisdiction: Districts bordering on Victoria Nyanza and in neighbourhood of Mombasa, and countries between. 23rd Bishop from CMS ranks. 1890, Apr 25 (day of his consecration) left for E. Eq. Africa; 1891, Apr 27, to England; Dec 4 to E. Eq. Africa. 1893 to E. Eq. Africa; visit to Uganda; ordination of missionaries and first Native Deacons; services in the great new church; Oct 28 to England at request of CMS Com., in connexion with Sir G. Portal's expected report as to Uganda. 1894, June 5, interview with Committee; June 28 to E. Eq. Africa Mission. m. when consecrated; 1882, H. Josephine Sim
Stock - Alfred Tucker - He was an athlete, having taken the biggest walk in the Lake country, 60 miles in one day, including the ascent of the 4 highest mountains; and he was a painter who had exhibited in the Royal Academy and had more than once criticised the pictures in the Gleaner from an artist's point of view.
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