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Name: BIRDSEY, Mavis Alice 'Maisie', Miss
Nee: dau of Percival Birdsey, sister of Agnes, Albert and Cecil Birdsey
Birth Date: 13 Apr 1903
Death Date: 16 July 1987 Ballina, NSW, Australia
First Date: 1909
Profession: Wrote an unpublished book about their early experiences in Kenya (given to Bodleian Library, Oxford)
Area: Eldoret, Mombasa
Married: In Eldoret 1926 Francis Bertram Leete (1896-1986)
Children: Neville; Dennis; Michael
Book Reference: Curtis, Nicholls, Gillett, EAWL, Mrs R. Bullingham
General Information:
Nicholls - Mavis Birdsey's family lived 18 miles beyond Eldoret before WW1, next door to the Van Rensburgs and to Herbert Wreford Smith, formerly the Birdseys' neighbour in South Africa. ………… Agnes Birdsey, the older sister, taught Mavis and the neighbour's children in a farm school.
Curtis - p. 93 - extracts from 'Sigh Softly, African Winds' by Mavis Birdsey