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Name: LOWIS, Robert Alexander 'Bobby'
Nee: son of Alexander Monro Lowis
Birth Date: 1926 Dartford, Kent
Profession: Professional hunter, served in Royal Navy
Married: 1966 Yasuyo Matsunaga
Book Reference: Pembroke, Tom Lawrence, Burke
School: Harrow
General Information:
Pembroke - Steward at Pembroke House Sports in 1938
Pembroke No. 138, 1934, Box 482, Nairobi.
Pembroke - recollections - 1934-39 - waiting miserable for the train - parents rushing ahead of the train to a level crossing further down the line - ….. Initiation ceremonies in a dormitory, getting round the room without touching the floor, worst of all having Irving major's socks in my face for a minute. Segar Bastard the great cricketer - Maurice Frost changing over from Nakuru School and telling us about masturbation - stealing from the tuck shop cupboard - being far ahead in maths - missing a term for a trip to England - would have got a scholarship - reading good books - Mr Dyson taking me and my parents fishing at Duffer's Pool [on the Melawa] and urging the use of fly rather than spinner - my mother choosing a tweed coat for him - winning the reading competition - next year losing to Beal - thought plumage was pronounced as in the fruit. Being bullied by Wilson and Hemsted - catching rose bugs and sticking cotton wool on them - visits to a clay pit at week ends where we all got very dirty - putting ten cent pieces on the railway line - seeing junipers go up in flames on the plain - learning to shoot well on the miniature range. Queuing for cod-liver oil and malt - acting as the vamp in Ambrose Applejohn's Adventure in my mother's evening dress - being shown all the red on the map at geography - Boy's Own Paper and Modern Boy - the library - sing songs - my parents being the last to arrive at half term so that I thought they were not coming - matron reading us Sapporo's book about the island - I forget the name. Naked in the shower and Miss Cumming staring at my prick known in the school as mulberry bush. Boxing against Robin Long. Taking very, very hot baths - seniors allowed a later bath time. Being beaten once - so exciting - listening to the thwacks through the office door and examining the marks afterwards - teasing a slightly idiotic Davies-Evans - being egged on to hit Claudet but not wanting to - he could sing 'Dancing Cheek to Cheek - burning things with a magnifying glass including Jackie Barrah - being invited out to listen to test match on a neighbour's radio.
Tom Lawrence - Full Photographic Member of East African Professional Hunters' Association