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Name: HAWKINS, Evelyn Willoughby, Mrs

Nee: Thompson
Birth Date: 1899
Death Date: 1999 Malindi
First Date: 1930
Last Date: 1999
Profession: Went to Kenya as Governess to the F. O'B. Wilsons at Ulu
Area: Kilima Kiu, Naivasha, Kitale, Malindi
Married: Ivan Willoughby Hawkins (1906-1965)
Children: Jeanne Elizabeth Willoughby (Bristow) (1935)
Book Reference: EAWL, mini-Sitrrep XV
General Information:
mini-Sitrep XV - Evelyn Thompson, as she was, was born in England in 1899. She was a young lady full of adventure, which led her to come to Kenya in 1930 to work as a governess to Sir Frank and Lady Wilson's children, Richard and Denis. While working at 'Kilima Kiu', Ulu, she met and married Ivan Hawkins. During their honeymoon they toured Kenya which included a visit to the Kakamega goldfields in those 'gold rush' days. In 1940, they moved to Marula Estates in Naivasha where Ivan became General Manager. In 1953, they moved to Kitale to run their own farm, but on Ivan's death in 1965, the farm was sold and Evelyn spent a few years in Kitale before moving to Malindi in 1974. Until last August - her 99th year - she was running her own house with its beautiful garden created and loved by her. She moved to Ngowe House where she was well cared for and visited frequently by the many friends she had made over the years.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Ukamba Voters List