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Name: LEWIS, Richard Percy
Birth Date: 27.9.1873 Paddington, London
Death Date: 8.9.1917 killed in action at Ypres
First Date: 1904
Profession: KAR
Area: Nairobi
Book Reference: Drumkey, EAHB 1906, North, EAHB 1907
War Service: Devonshire Regt.
General Information:
North - Appt. Lieut. KAR 12-1-1904; arr Mombasa from BCA with 1st Batt KAR & dep. for Mazeras 8-7-1905; signalling Officer for Nandi Force, Nandi Fort 11-10-1905
EAHB 1907 - Entered the Army from City of London Imperial Volunteers in 1900; served with the Devonshire Regt. in South Africa 1900-03, in England 1903-04, with 1st KAR in BCA 1904-05
Drumkey 1909 - Subaltern, 1st KAR, 1904; Devonshire Regiment; CIV 1900
CWGC Ypres Reservoir Cemetery