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Name: REDFEARN, Cyril
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1897 Chatham, Kent
Death Date: 24 April 1977 Cape Town
First Date: 1909
Profession: BEA Corporation
Area: Mombasa
Married: In Mombasa 25 May 1925 Winifred Taylor b. 1897, d. 30 Aug 1972 Cape Town
Children: Barry (1927); Harold David (1932)
Book Reference: Drumkey, Web, Red 25, Red 31, William de Villiers, Valda Napier, North
War Service: Merchant seaman
General Information:
Web - Rootsweb - has query re. Cyril and Winifred Redfern who lived in Kenya? Cyril Redfern OBE
Red 25 - C. Redfern - Planter, Moshi
Red 31 - C. Redfearn, Arusha
William de Villiers - Cyril Redfearn, born 1897 - Kent; Merchant Navy in WW1 then RNR; Demobbed in June 1919; married on 25 May 1925 in the Cathedral, Mombasa to Winifred Taylor. MBE in 1945 for services as Custodian of Enemy Property, Tanganyika, of the Oldeani Estates; Queen's Coronation medal in June 1953; said to have died in Kenya.
Hut - 1959/60 - Hema Estate Kabete - Cyril Redfern
Valda Napier - Cyril and Winifred Redfern OBE. Cyril was born possibly in 1890 and died in Kenya
Gazette 2 Feb 1979 probate - spelt Redfearn