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Name: PENNY, Francis (Dr.)
Birth Date: 1853
First Date: 1905
Profession: Farmer
Area: Molo
Book Reference: Land, EAHB 1906, AJ, North, Gazette
General Information:
Land - 1907 - Dr. F. Penny - Grazing, 5001 acres, SW Slopes of Mau Escarpment, 16-11-04, Registered 29-10-07
Land - 1906 - F. Penny - Building, 1 acre - Nakuru Township - 25 years lease from 1/9/1905 - Registered 26/6/1906
Agricultural Journal 1908 - Brands allotted and registered - Dr. Penny, Burnscombe, Molo - Lumbwa T1P
North - Maj. F. Penny - Land Grant application Nakuru 1/2/1905; Land Grant application Molo 1/11/1905
Gazette 13/11/1918 - Court of Appeal for EA - Francis Penny and Alexander Gray vs E.P.W. Cobb and Powysland BEA Ltd.