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Name: LANGRIDGE, Lucy Maud, Mrs
Nee: Coldham, dau of Henry James Coldham & Mrs Coldham of Anmer Hall, Norfolk & Essenden, Herts
Birth Date: 4 Feb 1884 Anmer, Norfolk
Death Date: 12 July 1970 Cambridge
First Date: 1908
Profession: Bought N'Gelani fruit farm from Lord Delamere
Area: N'gelani, Machakos
Married: In Nairobi 24.8.1908 George Lewis Langridge (1873-1958)
Book Reference: Advertiser, Leader14
General Information:
Advertiser - 10/7/1908 - Engagement - Miss Coldham of N'gelani to George L. Langridge
Advertiser - 10/7/1908 - Advert - Apples - L.M. Coldham, Ngelani Fruit Farm, Machakos
Advertiser - 28/8/1908 - it was much regretted that Mr Coldham, brother of the bride is away on a long safari and unable to be present [at Miss L.M. Coldham's wedding]
Leader14 - L.M. Langridge - Athi River
Playne - One of the few fruit farms in bearing in the Protectorate, besides the adjacent Juja Farm, is the N'Gelani at Machakos owned by Mrs Langridge (nee Coldham). It has been in successful evidence for 20 years. Originally a Mission station it passed into Lord Delamere's hands in April 1908, and he sold it to Miss Coldham in the following month. It is situated in the highlands of BEA and on its cultivated 100 acres nearly all European fruits are grown with astonishing success. The orchards contain 7000 apple trees (of which 6000 are in bearing), oranges, lemons, tangerines, pineapples, plums, figs, apricots, guavas, quinces, pomegranates, vines etc. Miss Coldham was registered as an ostrich farmer in July 1908, and now possesses 49 birds, which are proving very successful. .......….
Miss Coldham married Mr Langridge of the Ridges Ostrich Farm, on August 24, 1908
Land - 1911 - Mrs L.M. Langridge - Agriculture and grazing, 400.2 acres - Mua Hills - 29/3/09 - Under Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/7/11 - Registered 9/10/11