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Name: LOVELL, Bessie
Nee: Elizabeth Lovell
Birth Date: 23 Nov 1872 Wroxeter, Huron, Ontario
Death Date: 10 Sep 1935 Kiambu
First Date: 1923
Last Date: 1935
Profession: Missionary nurse
Area: Nairobi, Kiambu
Book Reference: Barnes, Gazette
General Information:
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Bessie Lovell, American, age 56, died 10/9/35. Notes: Elizabeth "Bessie" Lovell was born to Lawrence Lovell and his wife Mary Ann Gillespie in Wroxeter, Huron, Ontario, Canada in 1872. Bessie was a missionary nurse in Kijabe, Kenya, with Africa Inland Mission. She graduated from Moody Bible Institute (Chicago, Illinois, USA) in August 1915, at the age of forty-three. She died in Kenya in Sep 1935.
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - Bessie Lovell, Nurse, Kijabe
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - Bessie Lovell - Nurse - Kijabe
See Evanson N. Wamagatta, The Presbyterian Church of East Africa, 2009, for establishment of mission. Gospel Miss. Society acquired 5 missionary nurses: Mary Gamertsfelder (1906-1937), Margaret Gough (1923-1939), Bessie Lovell (1923-1935), Martha Ruch (1923-1925) and Elnora Boda (1935-1945).
After Bessie's death in 1935 Kambui hospital became almost non-functional.
Ancestry Family Tree Wed,7Sep1935, Bessie admitted a young man from a coffee estate to the Kambui Hospital. She thought he had pneumonia but was actually pneumonic plague. He died Friday. By Sunday both Bessie & the native hospital ass't, Kamdu, were ill. They died Tues. [?so died 13 Sep]