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Name: PRESTON, Jerome 'Gerry'

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Birth Date: 15 Mar 1897 Colorado Springs

Death Date: 28 May 1934 Manhattan, New York

Profession: Investment banker. Horse breeder

Married: In Paris 1925 Alice Karslake Gwynne 'Kiki' b. 8 Oct 1895 Hempstead, Nassau, New York, d. 23 Dec 1946 Manhattan

Book Reference: Erroll, Carnelley, Best

School: Harvard

General Information:

Carnelley - Some of the people that I remember in my youth who lived round the lake {Naivasha} were Jerry and Kiki Preston who built the very attractive "Cape Cod" style house, later owned by George and Maria Tailby, just after the War ………..
In the 1930s the Prestons and mostly everyone else round there led a fairly hectic life. Drugs from the Sudan were, supposedly, flown into their private airstrip. I remember one of my father's old servants, Kariuki, telling me that when the plane arrived, Bwana Hay (Lord Erroll), living at Oserian, some 3 miles away, used to in his car, fly like the wind, one could see the cloud of dust, to the strip to collect his share for the benefit of Mary Ramsay-Hill, his current wife. I remember my father, who was caretaking the house, after the Prestons left, showing me a cracked porcelain basin in one of the rooms where Jerry had cracked some poor fellow's head, whom he'd caught in bed with his wife. ……….
Best - mentioned in Evelyn Waugh's diary - Muthaiga - 10 pink gins before lunch.
Gazette 23 Oct 1934 probate

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