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Name: KAPLAN, Lazarus 'Kappy' QC

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Birth Date: 1 Dec 1889 Lithuania

Death Date: 7 Aug 1972 Nairobi

First Date: 1920

Last Date: 1972

Profession: Lawyer, member of Legislative Council. Deputy Mayor

Area: Box 551, Parklands, Nairobi, Caledonian Road, Limuru, Muthaiga, 1930 Box 507, Nbi.

Married: In Durban 18 Jan 1922 Lucilla 'Louie' Tregenza b. 15 July 1896 Carnhell Green, Gwinear, Cornwall, d. 20 Dec 1976 Nairobi

Children: Patricia Jane (Marra) (3 July 1923 Nairobi-2013); Anthony (1926 Nairobi-1984 Reading); Susan Rael (Baxter-Gavin (1928 Nairobi) )

Book Reference: EAWL, Mischief, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Karen 50, Red 22, Web

School: Sachs College, Cape Town and Transvaal University College, Johannesburg

General Information:

Became the leading criminal lawyer in the firm Kaplan & Stratton, and was a much loved and respected attorney. Because you were allowed to practise the law both as barrister and solicitor in Kenya they allowed him to take silk and become a QC. He was junior to Harry Morris, a SA lawyer, on the famous Erroll case. Source: Pat Atkinson Marra  
Mischief - Murder of Lord Erroll - Delves-Broughton's lawyer.
Karen 50 - What is known as 'racialism' was not then related only to colour, and at that time [1930s] Jews were not eligible for membership. After many sessions of debate, the first Committee decided by 5 votes to 3 to exclude Jews, which thus became unwritten law. Their decision must undoubtedly have been influenced by Mr Walter Shapley, a Founder Member who wrote:- "It seems to me that one of the curses from which the Jewish Race suffers is that when it finds an outstandingly decent Jew obtaining various entrees and footholds to which the individual's merits appear to entitle him in every way, there follow in his wake, with the same certainty that night follows day, his concomitants, accessories, associates, fellows, consorts, colleagues, spouses, co-partners, satellites, hangers-on, shadows, convoys, followers, appendages and attributes." This had an unfortunate sequel in that Sir Alfred Vincent (also a Founder Member) proposed Mr L. Kaplan for membership. 'Kappie' was held with great affection by all the members of the Committee, and would have been socially acceptable in any club in the world, but the President, with the greatest regret, asked that the nomination be withdrawn. 'A.V.' replied that he wished the name to go forward as he did not believe that any club would exclude a prospective member on the grounds of race alone, which left the Committee with no alternative but to reject the candidate. It is perhaps to A.V.'s credit that he never at any time thereafter set foot in the Club.
Web - President of Nairobi Rotary Club - 1957-58 - L. Kaplan
Red 22 - Member, Nairobi Municipal Council
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Nairobi South - Lazarus Kaplan, Solicitor, Caledonian Rd., Box 507, Nbi and Louie Kaplan, married woman, Box 507, Caledonian Rd., Nbi.
Gazette 22 Dec 1972 probate
 Founder member with Mervyn Cowie and Derek Erskine of the Christian Science Church in Nairobi

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