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Name: DUIRS, William Edmund 'Bill'

Nee: son of Edmund Grahame Duirs, grandson of Mearns Duirs (1864-1939)
Birth Date: 30 Aug 1924 Limuru
Death Date: 8 Oct 2010 Masterton, Wellington, New Zealand
Area: Turi, Nairobi
Married: Joan Elizabeth Dicker Fletcher b. 1924, d. 19 June 2015 New Zealand
Children: Simon (1951 Nairobi-1978 Rhodesia); another son; dau.
Book Reference: Campling
War Service: RAF
General Information:
Campling - Bill Duirs, who was Kenya born, had been brought up on a farm in the Turi area, and during the war he had served as an instructor with the RAF in Rhodesia ….. very busy doing both charter work and flying instruction.
Campling - Introduced to Keith Campling by General Lewin as a first class man and a very capable and experienced pilot.
Campling - Bill Duirs, while an excellent pilot and instructor, was quite happy just flying and had no particular desire to be in charge of anything. He retired from flying with CBV in 1951 in order to return to his family farm, but then in the 1960s regained his licences and joined Wilken Air for a short time prior to flying for Aden Air and East African Airways, before finally leaving Kenya for Gulf Air.