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Name: PHILIP, Charles Robert OBE (Dr.)

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Birth Date: 31 Jan 1893 Old Machar, Scotland

Death Date: 19 Sep 1969 Oxted, Surrey

First Date: 1925

Last Date: 1968

Profession: Colonial Medical Service, DMO, PMO, Commissioner for Social Welfare, DDMS, Director of Medical Research for Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika. After retirement became Principal of Medical Training School

Area: Coast, Masai, Maseno, Machakos, Nyeri, Nairobi

Married: 1918 Ethel Anne Hutchinson Adie-Brown b. 1898

Children: Frances (d. 1931); Alister Ronald John (1924); Michael Charles Stuart (19 Mar 1932 Mombasa)

Book Reference: EAWL, Staff 39, Colonial, Carman, Dominion, Beck

War Service: Gordon Highlanders (Gallipoli), Rifle Brigade (Flanders)

School: Gordon's College, Aberdeen; Aberdeen University. MD, CHB, (Aber), DTM&H (Lond)

General Information:

Stubbornly refused to wear spine pads etc. and hats at the Coast when it was regulations to do so. It was thought that this would protect from sun stroke - in fact all it did was strike men down with heat exhaustion and dehydration. The sun itself didn't addle the brain or affect the spinal column. He founded and built the hospital at Msambweni. He carried out two massive innoculation campaigns involving every man, woman and child on the coastal belt and eradicated yellow fever from Kenya. For these campaigns he was awarded the OBE. He was probably best remembered as the long serving Principal of the Medical Training Centre in Nairobi. This was after he had retired.
Every Medical Assistant and Hospital Assistant serving in Kenya went through his hands. Before the war he made up his mind to retire in Kenya and he bought a block of land on the North Kinangop. This land was not developed until 1946 when his son Alistair was demobbed from the Scots Guards and came to Kenya. The immediate neighbour was quite a character called Major Raynard - a marvellous horseman. Source: Michael Philip   
Staff 39 - Medical Officer, Medical Dept., Kenya in 1939, appointed 1925. Originally Prob. Medical Officer 1925
Carman - '… an anti-hookworm campaign and sent out Dr Charles Philip to make a preliminary survey. His choice of Charles Philip was a wise one for he was an exceptional man with a gift of oratory and a wide knowledge of Swahili which enabled him to make the best use of his talents. The first phase having been completed the second followed in natural sequence. The Wadigo must be persuaded to dig pit latrines because it was no use deworming them if their personal habits remained so primitive that re-infection was certain to occur. This was where Charles Philip's eloquence was so valuable. Backed by the District Commissioner, he toured the country for all the world like an evangelist preaching elementary sanitation. …..
Dominion - Medical Officer - 1930
Gazette - 16/9/1925 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Medical Officer - C.R. Philip
Gazette 17 Oct 1969 probate
Was a Japanese prisoner of war in WW2.

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