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Name: MUGGERIDGE, Charles Ernest OBE

Birth Date: 4 Jan 1876 Carshalton
Death Date: 15 Oct 1941 Tunbridge Wells
First Date: 1919
Profession: Co. Director, merchant
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Hampstead 9 Mar 1898 Ada Marie Towle b. 1873 Litchurch, Derbyshire, d. 22 May 1944 Kensington, London
Children: Lilian May (Billiter and Wilson) (1 May 1900 London-1980 Islington); Philippa Gill (Oldham) (31 Jan 1918 Nairobi-24 May 1987 Salisbury, Wilts.)
Book Reference: Gazette
War Service: KAR
School: Winchester, Trinity Coll. Cambridge
General Information:
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, South Area - Charles Ernest Muggeridge - Company Director - The Warren, Riverdale and Mrs Ada Marie Muggeridge - The Warren, Riverdale
Gazette 20 May 1947 wife's probate