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Name: HEIM, Gottlieb

Nee: Brother Fulbert
Birth Date: 12.7.1862 Schreckenmaglitz, Bavaria
Death Date: 12.10.1926 Bridgeport, Connecticut
First Date: 1906
Last Date: 1909
Profession: Artist, missionary
Area: Nairobi
Book Reference: North
General Information:
In February 1906 he went to Zanzibar to decorate Bp. Algeyer's cathedral, a task that took about two and one half years and earned him much praise. After painting the St. Austin's church in Nairobi, he could return to Europe in 1909. We find him there painting in Dublin, Paris, Germany and Belgium, before returning to Martinique to adorn the cathedral of Fort-de-France. When World War One broke out, he took refuge in the U.S.A., painting chapels and churches at Duquesne University, Cornwells, Ferndale, Philadelphia, New York, etc. In 1924 he could return to Martinique to continue his work on the cathedral. He had barely finished it two years later when a fire destroyed his tools, drawings and papers. It aggravated the heart condition from which he was suffering. Going back to the U.S.A., he died there a few weeks later. Some of the work of this faithful Brother has survived to this day. The paintings of doctors of the Church in the sanctuary of the Duquesne University chapel are an example of his style.