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Name: PLATT, Charles Ferdinand

Birth Date: 28.10.1907 Crown Hill, Devon
Death Date: 1984 South Africa
First Date: 1929 ? 1934 ?
Last Date: 1934?
Profession: Farmers at Dimilil, Naro Moru and Melangini, Ol Joro Orok.
Area: Naro Moru, Ol Joro Orok, 1932 Dundori Solai
Married: In Southern Rhodesia 1928 Phyllis Haughton James, teacher, b. 2 Mar 1903 India, d. 1984 S. Africa
Children: Susan (Mackain-Bremner) (1930 S. Rhodesia); Margery Violet (Barnes) (1931); Charles Martin Richard (14 Nov 1932 Salisbury, S. Rhodesia-2012); Rosamund (Watson) (1938 Nakuru)
Book Reference: KAR, Sitrep 2, Red 31, Hut, Ghosts
General Information:
Source: Col. A.F. Mackain-Bremner
Ghosts - Juliet Barnes - 'My mother's family had farmed at Dundori, north-west of Happy Valley at an even higher altitude. From the back of their bamboo house they could see the peaks of Mount Kenya behind the hump of the Aberdares, the latter's lower slopes protecting the secrets of Happy Valley, almost always shadowy and dark, often obscured by cloud. My mother's older sister, Susan, now in her 80s wrote from England: "I do remember my mother pointing out Lady Idina sitting on a chair on the verandah of the Stag's Head Hotel in Nakuru. It didn't mean a thing to me, I just thought she was another memsahib."
Red 31 has C.R. Platt, Lumbwa, Hut the same
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 176).