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Name: LIVERSAGE, Vincent
Birth Date: 29 Jan 1897 Gnosall, Staffordshire
First Date: 1936
Profession: Civil servant - agricultural economist
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Washington, Connecticut 21 Dec 1929 Carolyn Kenyon Beach b. 24 May 1907 Bridgeport, Connecticut
Children: George D. (1931); William B. (1934); Diana (1938)
Author: Land Tenure in the Colonies, 1945
Book Reference: Gazette
War Service: RFA
School: Brewood Grammar School
General Information:
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Nairobi South - Vincent Liversage, Civil Servant, Box 338, Nbi and Carolyn Kenyon Liversage, married woman, Box 338, Nbi.
1939 England and Wales Register living with parents and wife in Stafford, in 'Colonial Agricultural Service