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Name: EPPRECHT, Heinrich 'Paps'
Birth Date: 24 July 1898 Thalheim, Switzerland
Death Date: 8 July 1981 Herisau, Switzerland
Nationality: Swiss
First Date: 1925
Profession: Engineer
Area: Tanganyika - Mwera sisal estate; Vipingo sisal estate north of Mombasa
Married: 13 Dec 1932 Trudi Mettler b. 9 May 1910 Herisau, d. 12 June 1987 Herisau, infant nurse
Children: Ursula (Tanga 28 July 1935); Annelies (Tanga 13 Mar 1938); Johann 'Hannes' (Bumbuli 11 Feb 1940)
General Information:
Hannes Epprecht: He worked for Mwera Sisal Estate (part of the Amboni group) 5 miles south of Pangani river, first as engineer, later as manager. He moved to Kenya 1949 as manager of Vipingo Sisal Estate Ltd 20 miles north of Mombasa. and returned to Switzerland 1964,