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Name: AARUP, Peter M.

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Photo Source: Clive Kempe

Nee: son of Joergen Madsen Aarup

Birth Date: 1863 Kolding, Denmark

Death Date: 7.4.1924 Nairobi

Nationality: Danish

First Date: 1900

Last Date: 1924

Profession: Boat builder etc

Area: 1906 Florinds Cottage, Rogers Rd., Mombasa, 1909 Naivasha, 1914 Kisumu

Children: 1887 Anna Elisabeth (by Christine Svendsen)

Book Reference: SE, EAS, Drumkey, Advertiser, Land, Barnes, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Lars Therkelsen

General Information:

SE - P.M. Aarup - Naivasha - April 1909
East African Standard - Xmas 1906 - Advertisement - Boat Builder, Tent Maker, Tarpaulin Waterproof Sheets, always different sizes of tents on hand, any shape of boat sails made to order.
Drumkey 1909 - Boat Builder, Taxidermist, Tent Maker - Mombasa. Drumkey also lists K. Aarup as Yacht Builder, Mombasa?
Advertiser - Friday September 24, 1909 - Advertisement - "Notice as the Shooting Season Commences October the first, don't forget that P.M. Aarup, Naivasha has big and small boats for hire."
Land 1909 - P.M. Aarup - Boat buildings, 2.7 acres - Naivasha - 23/12/09 - Leasehold for 25 years from 1/1/10 - Registered 15/2/10
Land 1912 - P.M. Aarup - Buildings, 10 acres - Naivasha - 28/6/11 - leasehold for 99 years from 1/10/11 - Registered 27/1/12
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - P. Aarup, Danish, age 65, died 7/4/24
Red Book 1912 - P.M. Aarup - Naivasha
Lars Therkelsen - After arrival in Mombasa Peter Aarup went to Lake Naivasha where he established a production of horsewhip made of leather of hippopotamus. During his period in East Africa he also established a boat-builder's yard for fishing and also for transportation. He developed methods for fishing in Lake Victoria and he had a very big business with many boats. But he was a pioneer, he went on constantly with new developments and opportunities. He lost once some of his boats in a storm on Lake Victoria. All man drowned except Peter Aarup. His saving is a really interesting storys itselves. When the 1st world war began in East Africa, Peter Aarup and his crew on a boat, was taken as prisoners by the Germans, who asked Peter Aarup to be the person to build up a new sawmill.  After the accident with his boats on Lake Victoria his sight became more and more weak so he had to use very stark glasses. One day his glasses broke and the Germans could not help him with new glasses. Peter Aarup's "captain", Kazimoto offered him selves to collect Peter Aarup's spare glasses from his home in Kisumu. This was a very dangerous trip of 900km, through both German and English frontlines and through the wilderness with many dangerous animals. He came back with the glasses - he could have been shot dead by the Germans. However, his mission was appreciated by the Germans and this may have saved his life. After the battle in Bukuba [sic] the Englishmen took back Peter Aarup - their old friend, as a prisoner. They asked him to build boats and things like that. In the meantime Peter Aarup became more and more blind, but continued to build boats by the help from people he had previously taught to build boats. Peter Aarup became finally blind but did not lose his drive. He was offered to go back to Denmark, but wanted to stay and die in East Africa. ……. Because of Peter Aarup's development of fishing methods and the value for the fishing industry, he was honoured by the British Government with life long monthly pension. Only one monthly pension was paid before he died. Lars Therkelsen - Peter died in 1924 after staying at the farm of Karen Blixen. It was Karen Blixen who found him dead and she had before that very many talks, conversations etc. with him. I [Lars T.] have letters from Karen Blixen sent to Peter's daughter in which she tells a lot of Peter Aarup. In the book "The African Farm", Karen Blixen also has a sole chapter about Peter Aarup, but under the synonym "Old Knudsen".
North - (as K. Aarup and Aarap) advertising boat for hire, Malindi Jan 1906

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