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Name: BOUSTEAD, Reginald Nevill 'Rex'

Photo Source: WA Kempe photo album; (with Manson and cross-legged, Matthew McIlvenna
Nee: bro of John Melville Boustead
Birth Date: 21.10.1863 Wimbledon
Death Date: 12.3.1924 London
Nationality: British
First Date: 1895
Profession: Joined Boustead Bros. in Zanzibar in 1891 and Mombasa in 1894. Boustead Bros appear in Stephen Ellis's ledger 1908. Hut has R.M. Boustead 1902 1st steamer on lake, Kisumu. Prop. of Mombasa Club 1899
Area: Mombasa
Married: In Wimbledon 24.10.1894 Ethel Marie Louisa Cockburn b. 1871, d. of tuberculosis in Mombasa 25 Jan 1905 (sister of Muriel Cockburn)
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, EAHB 1905, Hut, North, Playne, Drumkey, Land, Nicholls, Eton, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Barnes, Red Book 1912
School: Eton
General Information:
Playne - In the old days Messrs Boustead, Ridley & Co., out of which grew the firm of Boustead Brothers, used to run safaris up-country, and they put the first steamer - the ss Kampala - on Lake Victoria Nyanza [sic], the parts being carried on porters' heads. They were also agents for many of the missions, including the CMS. They established themselves in Mombasa in 1892, but they have had a branch at Zanzibar for 35 years, and have another branch in Colombo. The partners are Messrs. J.M. Boustead and E.G. Money. Mr H.C. Rayne is the manager for BEA, and came here in 1902. The Mombasa and Zanzibar houses are run separately, and quite recently the firm has amalgamated its Mombasa business with that of Messrs P.H. Clarke Ltd., of Port Florence (Kisumu), Mombasa and Homa, under the style of Boustead and Clarke Ltd. The directors of the new company are Messrs. J.M. Boustead, R.N. Boustead, P.H. Clarke, H.C. Rayne and A.S. Milliken
Land - 1908 - R.N. Boustead - Agricultural, 13.36 acres, Fort Smith, 30-8-06, Registered 29-4-08
Nicholls - Reginald Neville Boustead was born on 21 October 1863 at Wimbledon and was educated at Eton. His family had interests in Ceylon and branched out into Zanzibar in the 1870s. Rex expanded the firm into Mombasa in 1892. In 1901 Boustead Ridley went into liquidation, to be succeeded by Boustead Brothers, of Zanzibar and Mombasa (in which Rex was joined by his brother john, known as Jack). In 1908 Boustead Brothers became Boustead & Clarke. Jack died in 1920 and Rex in South Kensington on 12 March 1924. Information from Peter Frankl.
Nicholls - A coast businessman Reginald (Rex) Boustead had prospered from the caravan trade to Uganda and commercial activities in Mombasa. The upstairs room of the Boustead Ridley Mombasa office, in Vasco da Gama Street near Fort Jesus, began to be used as a European club. Membership expanded to such an extent that in 1897 Boustead acquired a plot of land opposite his office, on which he built the Mombasa Club, stil occupying the same site today.
EAHB 1904 - Mombasa & Kilindini Residents - Boustead, R.N. - Manager, Boustead Bros.
Mombasa Mbaraki cemetery - 25 Jan 1905, Ethel Marie Louisa Boustead, aged 34, 2 Station Rd., consumption
Red Book 1912 - R.N. Boustead - Mombasa
Red Book 1912 - Committee Member - Mombasa Chamber of Commerce
Gazette - 15-2-1905 - Probate and Administration - Mrs Ethel Marie Louisa Boustead deceased who died at Mombasa on or about Wednesday the 25th day of January 1905
Gazette - 15/3/1901 - Mr & Mrs R.N. Boustead and Mr & Mrs Allan Daly left Mombasa to attend the opening of the New Club at Nairobi. Invitations were issued by Mrs Boustead for the opening ceremony ob Saturday 9th March
Mombasa Cathedral plaque: to the glory of God & the loving memory of Ethel / Marie Louisa Bousted / who died at Mombasa on / the 25 Jan 1905 aged 34 years / this window and the seven / windows in the apse were dedi / cated by her numerous friends /' in East Africa & England
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