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Name: PRIDMORE, Leslie
Birth Date: 1874
Death Date: 2.8.1943 Nairobi
First Date: 1904
Last Date: 1943
Profession: PWD, Contractor, Nyeri
Area: Londiani (Fort Hall PWD), 1925 Rumuruti, 1930 Nyeri, Embu
Book Reference: SE, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Pioneers, Drumkey, Barnes, North, EAHB 1907, SKP, Red Book 1912, Gazette
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - B Sqdn. 8/8/14 - Cpl. 22/1/15
General Information:
SE - L. Pridmore, Londiani (Fort Hall PWD) - Oct 1908
Drumkey 1909 - Guard, 1st Class, Uganda Railway - L. Pridmore
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Leslie Pridmore, British, age 70, died 2/8/43
SKP - 1938 - Society of Kenya Pioneers - over 30 years in Colony - arrived 1904 - Embu
Red Book 1912 - L. Pridmore - Nyeri
Gazette 15/5/1918 - Application for General Retail and Hotel Liquor Licence - Victoria Hotel, Victoria Street, Nairobi
Gazette 12/5/1920 - Labour Agent's Permit issued March 1920
Gazette - 15/4/1912 - Labour Agent's Permit issued at Fort Hall during the quarter ending 31 March 1912 - L. Pridmore
Gazette - 5/8/1925 - Voters Register - Kenya Province - Leslie Pridmore, Contractor's Assistant, PO Nyeri
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List
Theer are some Pridmores in S. Africa