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Name: AUBREY, George Cyril

Nee: spelt Awbery in censuses
Birth Date: 20 May 1880 Southampton
Death Date: 22 Sep 1950 Cape Town
First Date: 1 Oct 1910
Profession: Journalist, 'Leader' Office
Area: Nairobi
Married: 1911 Annie Dewhurst (dau of Robert Dewhurst, catering manager U. Railway)
Children: Gladys (Stobbs) (1912); Norman
Book Reference: HBEA, EAMR, Gazette, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Web, Red 19
War Service: EAMR has G.C. Aubrey B Sqdn 11/10/15
School: King Edward VI Grammar School, Southampton
General Information:
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - Geo. C. Aubrey, Journalist
Leader14 - G.C. Aubrey, Nairobi
Red Book 1912 - G.C. Aubrey - Nairobi
Red Book 1919 - G C Aubrey - Mombasa Times and G C Aubrey - Settler - Kyambu
Red Book 1919 - Editor "Mombasa Times" - G.C. Aubrey
Facebook 2-2-2015 - re Boy Scout photo 1912 - At that time my Grandfather George Cyril Aubrey was age 32 having just been married the previous year. His long career as a reporter took him from the "Southampton Times" in 1897, to "The Argus" and later "Reuters" to 1909, then to the BEA "Leader", "East African Standard" and following some years in various army units, the the "Mombasa Times" in 1918. He then returned to South Africa and "The Argus" in 1920 and to "Grocott's Penny Mail" in Grahamstown in 1924.