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Name: LINDSAY, Alexander Gerald 'Alec'
Nee: bro of Eric Lawrence Lindsay
Birth Date: 9 June 1890 India
Death Date: 27 July 1967 Kiambu
First Date: 1912
Last Date: 1967
Profession: Sawmill
Area: P.O. Katora Farm, Kiambu, 1922 Chania Bridge, 1930 Kabyoyon Est. Kitale, 1925 Tarakwa
Married: 1. Norah Ball b. 1892 (later m. Dr Wilfred Edward Brierley 1881-1942); 2. In Chelsea 1931 Winifred Ella Wilson b. 21 Oct 1894 Birkenhead, d. 21 Aug 1960 Kiambu; 3. In Kensington 1963 Helen Jessie Booty b. 15 Feb 1907 Wandsworth, d. 1990 Durban (prev. m. to Arthur Herbert Bibby 1904-1954)
Children: 1. Alec Ian (14 Aug 1918 Nairobi-23 Oct 1942 over Malta, serving in RAF)
Book Reference: HBEA, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Bur, Red 22, Trans Nzoia Scrap Book, Gazette, Barnes, Red Book 1912, LG
War Service: East African units
General Information:
Trans Nzoia Scrap Book - Suam Sawmill - The Mill was built in 1923 by General Baker-Carr of Suam Estates, and financed by a Belgian family called Waterkeyn. It was run by a turbine off a big furrow from the Suam, and stood near the present bridge over the Suam on the Bugishu mountain road. In 1925 it was bought by Bobby Hall of Kipkabus and his brother-in-law Alec Lindsay
Gazette - 4/11/1914 - Appt. - East Africa Transport Corps - To be Lieutenant - A.G. Lindsay
St. Paul's Church, Kiambu cemetery - Alec Gerald Lindsay, who died on 27th July 1967 in his 77th year.
St. Paul's Church, Kiambu cemetery - Winifred Ella Lindsay, née Wilson, beloved wife of Alec Gerald Lindsay, 21st October 1894 - 21st August 1960
Red Book 1912 - A.G. Lindsay - Nairobi
London Gazette - 23 Feb 1917 - granted temporary rank for service with the Forces in East Africa - as Captain
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Ukamba Area - Alec Gerald Lindsay - Plantation Manager, PO Thika and Norah Lindsay - Married woman, PO Chania Bridge
Red 25 has A.G. Lindsay, Tarakwa, Nakuru.
Hut - 1922 Chania Bridge and 1912 Katora, Kiambu partner with Little
Gazette - 27/2/1924 - Electoral Register - Lindsay, Alec Gerald, Manager, PO Tarakwa
1939 England and Wales Register living in Welshpool with Winifred, as 'Kenya farmer visiting England'
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