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Name: LEONARD, Hector Allen
Nee: son of Thomas John Leonard
Birth Date: 18.1.1895 Ferozepore, India
Death Date: 25.4.1937 Nairobi
First Date: 1922
Last Date: 1937
Profession: Uganda Railway
Area: Nairobi
Married: Marie Esther McLean b. 1.10.1897 Hyderabad, India, d. 18.9.1982 Yorkshire
Children: Hector Arthur Thomas (6 Sep 1916 Kenya-1989 Kent); Vivian Ivan Allen (29 Mar 1918 Kenya-6 Dec 1997 Scunthorpe); Audrey Alisha (White) (16 Aug 1919 Nairobi-1997 Whitby); Arnold Leonard (1921 Kenya-13.6.1924 at sea on SS Kragola); Beatrice Eleanor Mary (7 May 1925 Nairobi-27 Jan 2013 Metighan, Canada)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Red 22, KGF
General Information:
KGF - Dalgairns Family Tree has Hector Allan Leonard born 1916, son of Thomas Allan Leonard and Bridget - married Doris Dorothy Bailey in Nairobi, 1938
Considine - European School Nairobi - Hector Leonard - b. 18/1/1895 - 11/7/1904
The Globe Trotter - 6/3/07 - Railway School prizegiving - " … Special prizes were awarded to the following - Prize for general improvement - H. Leonards ….."
Gazette - 22/11/1927 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Carpentry Instructor, Prisons - H. Leonard
Gazette - 27/6/1917 - Engineering and Traffic Staff on Danger Zone 1915/16 - Guard 1st Class - H A Leonard
Forest Road cemetry, Nairobi - in ever loving memory / of / my dear husband / Hector Alan [sic] Leonard / born 18th January 1895 / died 25th April 1937 the cup was bitter / the sting severe / to part with one / we loved so dear / the trail is hard / we'll not complain / but trust in God / to meet again
Gazette 4 May 1937 probate for Hugh [sic] Allan Leonard