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Name: ULYATE, Robert Valentine
Birth Date: 24 June 1857 Bushmanshoek, Eastern Cape, S Africa
Death Date: 10 June 1909 Kijabe, killed by falling tree
First Date: 1907 from SA in great trek
Profession: Farmer
Area: Nakuru, Guaso Nyero
Married: In Berlin, Eastern Cape 12 Oct 1882 Julia Hephzibah Brown b. 2 July 1856 Rietfontein, S. Africa, d. 15 June 1946 Nakuru)
Children: Ivy (4 Sep 1883 East London-1886 East London); Raymond Robert (22 Oct 1884 East London-31 Mar 1949 Moshi); Alfred Tyson (2 Sep 1887 East London-7 Aug 1894 East London); Grace (Gamble) (1 Feb 1881 East London-22 Dec 1985 Umhlanga Rocks); Rose (10 Jan 1896 East London-27 Apr 1897 East London); Eunice (Barrett) (7 Apr 1898 East London-10 May 1960 Nakuru)
Book Reference: Hut, Barnes, Passions, North
General Information:
Kijabe cemetery - in loving memory of Robert Valentine Ulyate died ……(base of headstone underground)
Nakuru North cemetery - Robert V. Ulyate, died 10/6/1909 - accidentally killed at Kijabe
Passions - 1926 - a 70 year old woman, a Mrs Ulyate, was raped and knifed during a robbery at her isolated farmstead at Kijabe..... Mrs Ulyate, who survived her ordeal, went public about it. This was enough to effect the passing of a law authorizing the death penalty for rape by a black of a white.
Accidentally killed at Kijabe (Hut - by a falling tree)
Info from Marion Langham Robert Ulyate and Julia Brown lived East London, on St Paul’s road. Grace the eldest daughter, went to a private Nursery School in the Baptist church hall, run by two sisters, the Misses Bompas. In 1903 the Robert and Julia left East London and went to live on the farm that Julia had been left by her family. The farm was called Guilford and was situated some 30 miles from King William’s Town near to Berlin. Grace and Eunice sailed from SA with her parents Robert and Julie in 1908 settle in Kenya.
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