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Birth Date: Scotland

Nationality: British

First Date: 1890

Profession: Red-headed Scotchman - shipwright brought out by the Chartered Co. to build the stern wheel steamer 'Kenya'

Area: Mombasa

Book Reference: Hobley, EAHB 1905, North, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904

General Information:

Hobley - conceived a great aversion to Roach, the Company's engineer, and when in liquor, which was pretty often, was wont to threaten Roach with an old bell-mouthed blunderbuss which he had obtained, Heaven knows where, and which he termed his "smelling-bottle". The only person who could deal with Richardson was Captain Eric Smith, so occasionally, when matters boiled over, Eric Smith was sent over to hale him before the administrator to be "ticked off".
North - constructing lighters at Mombasa 31/7/1890; at Mombasa 13/8/1890; 'Kenia' completed & in operation before 3/3/1891; Not on 'Nominal List of British Subjects in IBEA Territories' (ZA) 30/4/1891
EAHB 1905 - IBEA Co. General Africa Staff - appointed March 1890.
North - ship completed by March 1891

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