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Name: HUGHES, W. A. C. 'Black' (Capt.)
Nee: uncle of Roly Armour
First Date: 1930s
Profession: 1930s farmer in Thomson's Falls area. Called 'Black' because of his Kikuyu wife
Area: Thomson's Falls
Book Reference: Passions
General Information:
Passions - Captain W.A.C. Hughes, was already farming there, and this irascible man was unconventional enough to be living quite openly with a Kikuyu woman, earning himself the nickname 'Black' Hughes. The meeting place for the local settler community was Barry's Hotel at Thomson's Falls. As Armour recounts: 'I do remember one episode there. He picked a row with a neighbour in the bar, and it got so hot that they came to blows and they went outside to the yard to sort it out between them. Barry rang the police and the European policeman came with a couple of black askaris to break it up. I remember one of the policemen coming back into the bar afterwards holding up a funny looking thing. He didn't know what it was, but it was hairy. And he said to Barry, 'What sort of animal is this?' And of course it was my uncle's toupee. It had come off in the scuffle. It was a new one I'd brought out for him from England. He was as bald as a coot apart from that.'
There was a William Albert Charles Hughes born in Cardiff 11.5.1903, d. 1996 Kidderminster