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Name: RICHARDS, Charles Granston OBE

Birth Date: 17 Dec 1908 Tunbridge Wells
Death Date: 2001 Clayton, West Sussex ?1996
First Date: 1935
Last Date: 1963
Profession: Went to Nairobi as a member of the CMS to develop book distribution among Africans through the CMS bookshop. He himself wrote several books in Swahili. In 1948 he opened the EA Literature Bureau
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Essex 1939 Elizabeth Mary Matheson b. 1910, d. 1994 (she worked at Limuru Girls' School and Kenya High School)
Children: Stephanie Granston (Spaulding) (23 May 1941 Nairobi-23 Feb 2015 Pittsburgh, Penn.); Janet Elizabeth Granston (Lewison) (1943-29 Nov 2017 Richmond, Surrey); Philippa
Author: Janet Lewison, An African Childhood
Book Reference: Midday Sun, Jambo 1/94, Hut, Nicholls, Foster
School: Privately
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