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Name: PELL-SMITH, Donald Henry

Birth Date: 16 June 1900 Hillingdon

Death Date: 1979 Kenya

First Date: 1930

Profession: Farmer, Molo

Area: 'Chesingele' Molo, Hut - D.H. Pell-Smith 1925 Songhor

Married: Frances Beryl 'Binkie' Symons b. 8 Feb 1903 London, d. 4 Sep 1982 Nairobi

Children: two dau.

Book Reference: Over my Shoulder, KFA, Bovill, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Stud, Rift Valley, Gazette

General Information:

Red 22 - D.H. Pell-Smith, Molo
EA Stud Book 1954 - Cattle - Shorthorns - D.H. Pell-Smith, Molo
EA Stud Book 1954 - Sheep - Romney Marsh - D.H. Pell Smith, Chesingele, Molo
Donald Henry - KR 1834
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 18 Jan 1927 - D.H. Pell-Smith
Gazette 12/4/1922 - Brands Registered during quarter ending 31/3/1922 - D.H. Pell-Smith, Mberera Estate, PO Songhor - L7P
KFA - Pioneer of pyrethrum growing in the Molo area.
Red 25 has D.H. Pell-Smith, Songhor.
Red 31 has D.H. Pell-Smith, Molo.
Hut has Donald H. Pell-Smith 1979 Karen, Nairobi married to Frances.
Hut - Donald H. P-Smith 1922 Chesingele Molo married to Binkie
Molo - Jock Boyd - Molo Industries - post war - under the Chairmanship of Mr D.H. Pell-Smith
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List
Gazette 8 Oct 1982 wife's probate

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