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Name: LEWIN, Vera Mary
Nee: Maclean
Birth Date: 1908
Death Date: 4 Oct 1994 Nairobi
Profession: Education officer
Area: Molo, Nairobi, Malindi
Married: In Nairobi 17 Aug 1949 Patrick William Lewin (1903-1965)
Book Reference: Over my Shoulder
General Information:
Over my Shoulder - 'My good friend Vera Lewin sometimes collects a party in her lovely home in Nairobi or at her beach house in Malindi, which is always fun, and of one thing we are all agreed - few places in the world could match the riches of our lives as we knew them in Molo.'
Gazette 18 Jan 1966 wants probate for Patrick William Lewin
Gazette 11 Mar 1960 Nairobi South voters' list, with Patrick William, 18 Kitchener Rd.