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Name: ELIAS, David Henry CMG, MC
Birth Date: bapt 16 Jan 1898 Carmarthen [so probably late 1897]
Death Date: 13 Mar 1953 Sidmouth
First Date: 1922
Profession: Railway traffic manager
Married: In Cardiff 1944 Fairlie Thelma Seale b. 21.3.1904 Glamorgan, d. 26 Jan 1981Penarth, S. Glamorgan
Book Reference: KFA, Red 25
General Information:
KFA - Delegate to the Maize Conference of 1923 [photo]. 1925 - Uganda Railway, Nairobi.
Red 25 - Committee Member, REAAA
Gazette - 27/9/1922 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Traffic Manager, Uganda Railway - D.H. Elias - 13/9/1922
1939 England and Wales Register Fairlie living, single, in Cardiff
Became manager of Federated Malay States Railway