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Name: TAYLOR, William Ernest (Rev.)

Birth Date: 25.1.1856 Worcester
Death Date: 2.10.1927 Bath
Nationality: British
First Date: 1880
Profession: Church Missionary Society missionary in Mombasa
Area: Freretown
Married: 21.4.1892 Catherine Tesseyman b. 1864 Hull, d. 8 June 1959
Children: Bernard William (2.12.1894 Mombasa, bapt at Msa 27.1.1895); Ernest Ridley (16.8.1887 Tunbridge Wells-1980 Kidderminster); Arthur (1900 Egypt); Stephen (1903)
Author: 'African Aphorisms or Saws from Swahili-land' 1891
Book Reference: Hobley, Watt, Thomson, Tucker, Hall, North, EA Diary 1903, CMS, EAHB 1904
School: Hertford College Oxford
General Information:
Hobley The learned Dr. Taylor came to live on the Ndia Kuu, Mombasa, with his wife, a charming couple.
North - CMS BEA - aged 24, dep. for EA 29/7/1880; first at Nyanza, later at Mombasa & other missions in EA; arr. Zanzibar with wife 30/6/1892; Mombasa Town Mission; home leave 1896; did not return to EA
CMS 1880 - Age 24. Of Worcester. Cathedral School; Hertford College Oxford (Scho.) 3rd Class Mod. 1876; BA 1878; MA 1890. Also at Edinburgh Univ. and Cowgate Dispensary, Edinburgh. 1880, July 4 Deacon by Bishop of Mauritius for Bishop of London1885, May 31 Priest by Bishop Hannington. 1880, July 29 to E. Eq. Africa - Nyanza - Mission; 1881 transferred to Mombasa; 1884, Feb to England; Nov 5 to E. Eq. Africa with Bishop Hannington; 1885 Kisulutini; 1886 returned to Nyanza Mission - Uyui; 1887 to Mombasa and Giryama - Itineration; 1888 Mombasa, Kisulitini, Frere Town, Shimba, Chaga and Giryama - Itineration; 1889, Oct 27 to England; 1892, June 12 to E. Eq. Africa Mission - Mombasa …. Married 1892, April 21 Catherine Tesseyman. [Notes by Roy Dunstan] 1895 Nov 23 Mrs Taylor to UK; 1896 Oct 10 to UK; 1898 Dec 4 left Naples for Cairo where he carried out Swahili translation work; 1900 Sept 14 to UK; 1902 Apr 10 to Khartoum; 1903 Oct 3 to UK; 1904 Oct 4 connexion closed; 1927 Oct 2 died in Bath
Thomson - in a characteristic fashion, performed the varied duties of doctor and school superintendent.
Tucker - no one in the Mission in 1895 who knew Giriama better.
Hall - Missionaries at Mombasa photo 1895 - Mr & Mrs Taylor