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Name: HOPCRAFT, Arthur Wilfred

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Nee: son of John Dawson Hopcraft

Birth Date: 1910 Kenya

Death Date: 1987 Naivasha

First Date: 1911

Last Date: 1987

Profession: Farmer at Naivasha

Area: Loldia Ltd. Naivasha

Married: 1937 Frances Mairo Low b. 1915 Kiambu, d. 2001 Naivasha (dau of Archdeacon Walter Percival Low)

Children: Heather; Sally Patricia (Church) (d. 2001); Jill; Richard (who in 1995 ran the farm at Naivasha)

Book Reference: Sitrep 2, EAWL, Hut, Legion, O&C, Women in Kenya, Red Book 1912

War Service: Served in Ethiopia 1939-42 and then withdrawn to grow food for Italian POW's, 2/4 KAR, 2nd Lieutenant 1939-42

School: St. Claire Prep School, Sherborne School, Trinity College Cambridge 1930-33

General Information:

Obtained a BA in Agriculture at Cambridge. He returned to Kenya in 1932 to work on the farm where there was drought and locusts. Became Chairman of the Naivasha Branch of the Kenya National Farmers' Union. Survived a very tough time as far as farming was concerned. Source:- Mrs Mairo Hopcraft
Red Book 1912 - A.W. Hopcraft - Naivasha
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 195). No birthdate in KR records.

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