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Name: LAPAGE, John Anthony 'Tony'
![image of individual](/_site/data/files/images/people/F0-1/SF4-5/4601/0B4469200476709ABD84EED992656682.jpg)
Photo Source: David Reeve
Birth Date: 1916, bapt. 17 Oct Stratfield Saye
First Date: 1937
Last Date: 1948
Profession: Asst. Inspector, Kenya Police in 1939, appointed 1939. Originally 2nd Grade Asst. Insp. 1937. Goldfields in 1939.
Area: Bondo 1939
Married: Jeanne b. 1923
Children: Marilyn D. (1948)
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, Staff 39, Colonial, Habari 16
School: Chesterton Seaford, St. Edward's Oxford and Reading University
General Information:
Habari 16 - Bernard [Sheldon], Paddy Ross and I were posted to Maseno to open a new Training Depot commanded by the ASP D.D. McGoun and the 3 of us in the exalted rank of 2AI early in 1939. I recall the awful mud huts that we were quartered in, as well as the rather grim conditions under which we lived.
Colonial - Asst. Supt. Nigeria 1948
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 229). No birthdate in KR records.