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Name: RAGG, Peter Goodwin
Nee: son of H.A. Ragg, planter
Birth Date: 9 Dec 1913 Beira
Death Date: 1 Apr 2009 KwaZulu-Natal
First Date: 1937
Profession: Tea planter with Brooke Bond
Area: Kericho
Married: Barbara Jessie Clover b. 1 Nov 1922 Birkenhead, d. 5 July 2006 Howick, KwaZulu-Natal
Children: Linda B. (4.8.1948); Malcolm P. (28.4.1950); James C. (25.7.1955)
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, T.R. Penny, Hut
School: Blundell's School 1927
General Information:
Hut - 1939-62 AHP
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 296).