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Name: HAMILTON, Hugh Brown CMG
Nee: son of Hugh B. Hamilton
Birth Date: 19 Nov 1892 Glasgow
Death Date: 26 Dec 1960 Nairobi
First Date: 1925
Last Date: 1960
Profession: Company director
Area: Nairobi
Married: 1915 Margaret Simpson Cunninghame b. 1883 St Cuthberts, Edinburgh, d. 13.8.1937 Nairobi
Children: 3 sons incl, Conrad Thomas; 1 dau.
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, Who's Who, KFA, Red 31, Barnes, Debrett
War Service: Highland Light Infantry
School: Glasgow High School
General Information:
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 449).
Kenya - A New Nation - In 1925 Mitchell Cotts opened an office in Vasco Da Gama St. in Mombasa to administer a contract to supply coal to the railway. From that office the late Mr Hugh B. Hamilton laid the foundations for the Mitchell Cotts Group's considerable business expansion in Kenya. Before long he had appointed a manager to take charge of the Mombasa office and had moved on to Nairobi to establish his headquarters there. Many people will remember Hugh Hamilton who died at the end of 1960. To the commercial development not only of the Mitchell Cotts Group but of Kenya as a whole he brought a unique combination of personal qualities. For over 30 years by dedicated personal service on boards and committees he contributed in the most practical way to our country's business life.
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Hugh Brown Hamilton CMG, British, age 68, died 26/12/60
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Margaret Simpson Hamilton, British, age 44, died 13.8.1937 and Hugh B. Hamilton d. 26 Dec 1960 Inscription: Hugh B Hamilton / died 26.12.60 / Margaret S Hamilton / died 13.8.37
Debrett - 1954 - is a Member of Production and Supply Council, Kenya, and of Kenya Meat Commn., Deputy Chairman of British East African Corporation Ltd., Managing Director of Mitchell Cotts & Co. (E.Africa) Ltd., and of E. African Sisal Estates Ltd., and a director of E. African Extract Corporation Ltd., and other Cos. - CMG 1951
Who's Who - Dir. of Companies. Pres. Mitchell Cotts & Co. EA Ltd and British EA Corp Ltd. Dir. EA Sisal Estates Ltd.
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Hugh Brown Hamilton, Box 664, Nbi and Margaret Simpson Hamilton, Box 664, Nbi
Gazette 17 Jan 1961 probate is required by Conrad Thomas Hamilton