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Name: LLOYD, Hugh Thomas
Photo Source: mini-SITREP XLV
Nee: son of Reginald John Alcock Lloyd
Birth Date: 7 Jan 1915 Pietermaritzburg, SA
Death Date: 27 Mar 2004 Scottborough, KwaZulu, Natal
Nationality: Irish
First Date: 1919
Last Date: 1976
Profession: Agriculturist. 1932-39 Coffee farming Kiambu and Ruiru. 1939 Joined Agric. Dept. as a coffee officer. Served in the KAR 1939-42 and then called back to the Agric. Dept. to help with food production. Senior Agric. Officer in 1953.
Area: Kiambu, Ruiru, Nairobi, Hut - Mgr. Earl Portsmouth 1964 Kitale
Married: 1. In Bideford 1939 Margaret 'Peggy' Elizabeth Whitaker b. 3 May 1913 Evershot, Dorset, d. 1974 Howick, Natal; 2. 1993 Beryl Bailey (widow)
Children: Robin Hugh Mackenzie (6 Mar 1940 Kenya-2 Apr 2001); Brigid (Hamill); Sally (Edwards); Patrick Jonathan (6 Oct 1946 Nakuru-6 Feb 2006 Alabama); Richard (1940-1957)
Book Reference: EAWL, Sitrep 2, Staff 53, Hut, Old Africa, Wed, mini-Sitrep XXV
War Service: KAR in WW2
School: Kenton College, Tonbridge School, Kent; Imperial College Tropical Agriculture Trinidad
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