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Name: HOWARTH, Richard Thomas
Nee: son of George Dall Howarth
Birth Date: 26 June 1921 Nairobi
Death Date: 18 Aug 2015 Essex
First Date: 1921
Last Date: 1972
Profession: Coffee planter
Area: Ruiru, Thika, Mombasa, Kiambu
Married: 1948 Yvonne Joan Douglas b. 7 Nov 1930 Nairobi, d. 24 Aug 1996 Barnet, London (dau of John Shepstone Douglas)
Children: two sons; rwo dau.
Book Reference: Howarth, Sitrep2
General Information:
They lived in Mombasa for many years but the marriage broke up, though Dick and Joan and her new husband remained friends. Joan and her family left Kenya for England and Dick also left in about 1972 to live in Zimbabwe and SA. In 1995 he was in England with his family.
During the War whilst on active service at Mombasa he was injured in a motoring accident and had to have his right leg amputated, we were told, due to the incompetence of the military doctor.
Pre-war volunteer to the Kenya Regiment (KR 670)
Pre-war volunteer to the Kenya Regiment (KR 670)