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Name: ISAAC, Herbert Whitmore 'Bunny'

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Photo Source: Phil Toye

Nee: relative (not son) of Francis Whitmore Isaac

Birth Date: 11 Dec 1899 Hallow, Worcs.

Death Date: 26 Apr 1962 Chisekesi, Zambia

First Date: 1928

Profession: Civil servant

Area: Gilgil

Married: 1. Eileen b. 19 Sep 1905, d. 1986 Brent; 2. 4 Mar 1950 Mary Beatrice; 3. Alyne Joan Vyvyan Denton b. 9 Apr 1903 Lambeth, d. 2 July 1982 Lidgetton, Natal

Children: Arthur Francis Swinton (1933 Nakuru-2012 Lidgetton, Natal)

Book Reference: Golf, Hut, Njoro

General Information:

Njoro - The Gooding Cup 1938 - H.W. Isaac & G.R. Grimwood
Golf - Played for Gilgil against Royal Nairobi GC  in 1935. Winner of the Rift Valley Championship in 1928, 1938/39. Runner-up in the Rift Valley Championship in 1937. Winner of the Plateau Golf Championship in 1931
Ancestry Family tree says son Arthur's mother was Joan Alyne, so she may have been the 2nd wife (he also travelled with her)

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