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Name: ALLEN, Percy de Vere 'Digger'

Nee: bro of Victor de Vere Allen
Birth Date: 24 Jan 1891 St Kilda, Victoria, Australia
Death Date: 17 Feb 1971 Henley, Oxfordshire
First Date: 1913
Last Date: 1944
Profession: Principal Labour Officer 1939, appointed 1937. Originally Labour Inspector in 1925. Went to Kenya as Assistant Manager to Harold White. Chief Labour Commissioner 1922-44, Kenya Office in London 1946-50.
Area: Box 392, Nairobi. 1930 - c/o Native Affairs Dept. Nairobi, 1922 Tsavo
Married: Feb 1924 Viola or Violet Dickson b. 1889
Children: None
Book Reference: Staff 39, EAWL, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Colonial, Red 22, Barnes, Gazette, Dominion, Rift Valley, Web
War Service: WW1 in the EA Campaign Egypt and France, MM - B Sqdn 8/8/14 - 25/2/15 Wounded 3/11/14
School: Christian Bros' College, St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia
General Information:
A very well known Kenya Sportsman, particularly in cricket. Source:- David Nicholson
Red 25 - Mrs P. de V. Allen, Hon. Secretary, Kenya Arts & Crafts Society
Red 22 - Tsavo
Rugby photo - Harlequins v Mombasa Dec. 24th 1923
Early player for Harlequins RFC, 1920s - P. de V. (Digger) Allen
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - Percy de Vere Allen, Government House
Dominion - Labour Officer 1930
Ebay - Photo of The Football Association of Kenya - 1931
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 20 Dec 1927 - P. de V. Allen
Web - Committee of Anzac Society newly formed in Nairobi 1932 - P. de V. Allen
EAMR - Photo of wounded after Longido
Gazette - 20/5/1925 - Dissolution of Partnership between P de V Allen and H. Danziger. P de V Allen retires from the business
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Percy de Vere Allen, Civil Servant, NAD, Dagoretti Rd. And Violet Allen, Married woman, Dagoretti Rd., Nbi
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