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Name: LORD, Edward Ernest
Birth Date: 25.8.1898 Bristol
Death Date: 15.9.1979 London
First Date: 1924
Last Date: 1947
Profession: Senior Collector of Customs in 1939, appointed 1935. Originally Asst. to Com. of Customs 1924. Imperial Customs Service, 1920, Ag. Com. of Customs in 1939.
Area: Mombasa, Tanganyika
Married: In Bristol 1935 Nonie Ethel Smith b. 1914 Walton on Thames, d. 1972 Mombasa (later m. John Edward Leslie Bryson 1910-1987)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Colonial, Dominion, Red Book 1912
War Service: Military service 1914-18 Hon. Artillery Co. and 1939-40, Lieut.
School: Queen Elizabeth School, Bristol
General Information:
Colonial - Dep. Commissioner Customs Kenya and Uganda 1943; Compt. Customs N. Rhod. 1947; Imports Controller Kenya and Uganda 1942-45; Chmn. Cent. Commodity Distribution Board Kenya 1944-45
Dominion - Collector of Customs 1930