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Name: LARBY, Norman Burton OBE
Birth Date: 28.8.1905 East Ham, Essex
Death Date: 1981 Bishop Stortford
First Date: 1927
Profession: Education Officer, African, Educ Dept. in 1939, appointed 1927. Originally Asst Master 1927. Asst. Director of Education, African Education in 1953. Colonial - Dep. Dir. of Education 1954-58
Area: Nairobi
Married: Barbara Mary Harrison b. 6 Oct 1911, d. 8 Mar 1967 Blantyre (dau of Charles Newton Maberly Harrison)
Children: Charles Julian Burton (6.8.1937 Mombasa-20.6.2017 Nairobi); Edgar M. Burton (1941); Adrian Guy Burton (1942)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Staff 53, Reece, Red 31, Colonial, EA & Rhodesia, Barnes, Dominion, Foster, Rugby
School: Bedford Modern School and Downing College Cambridge; MA Hons (Cantab)
General Information:
East Africa & Rhodesia - 13/12/56 - Mr Norman Larby, Deputy Director of Education in Kenya ……. Departure from Nairobi for long leave in England pending retirement ……….. Mr Larby, who has devoted most of his 30 years in Kenya to African education, was born in England 51 years ago ………….. Mrs Larby is the daughter of the late C.N.M. Harrison of Nairobi. One of their three sons has joined the Kenya Administration as a temporary district officer in Kisumu. The other sons are at school at Gordonstoun and Rugby.
Barnes - Early player for Nondies Rugby Club - 1930s
Dominion - Education Department - Assistant Master - 1930
Rugby - Played for Kenya against Combined South African Universities December 1929-30
Rugby - Played for Kenya against Stellenbosch University January-February 1935
Rugby - Rugby Football Union of Kenya - Hon. Secretary 1930
Rugby - Nondescripts RFC - President - 1952-53
Rugby - Nondescripts RFC - Captain - 1935
Rugby - Nondescripts RFC - Vice-Captain - 1929
Rugby - Nondescripts RFC - Honours Cap - 1929
Gazette - 31/1/1928 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Assistant Master - N.B. Larby
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Coast Voters List
Gazette 1 Mar 1968 wife's probate
Taught at Kabete Secondary-renamed Prince of Wales School in 1931
OBE 1957
Ancestry family tree says wife died 29 Jan 1980 Bristol and that he died in Bishop Stortford, Herts.
1939 England and Wales Register living in Maidstone with wife
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