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Name: REA, Horace James Anderson
Birth Date: 28 Jan 1899 Howth, Dublin
First Date: 1937
Last Date: 1945
Profession: Forester in 1939, appointed 1937, after service in the Gold Coast and Tanganyika.
Area: Kakamega
Married: 1. Kathleen b. 1911; 2. In Marylebone 1940 Grace M. Poole
Book Reference: Staff 39, Colonial
War Service: Military service 1917-22 and 1939-45, Major
School: High School Dublin, Trinity College Dublin and Edinburgh University; BSc.
General Information:
Colonial - Asst. Conservator of Forests N. Rhodesia 1945
1939 England and Wales Register living in Banstead (no wife with him) as 'Forestry Officers, Kenya'